Competition rules (Eng)

VK-Big Game Contest Rules
The competition is open to anglers who catch salmon or trout in the Baltic Sea and Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish inland waters between February 10th 2011 and December 31st 2011. The latest date and time to register a caught fish is 24.00 on December 31st.

Only fish caught by trolling and caught on VK-baitholders may be registered. Apart from these there are no other restrictions on fishing equipment.

Participation in the competition is free of charge.

The competition has two main categories which are landlocked salmon and Atlantic salmon.  The competition will also award a special prize for both the largest fresh water trout and sea trout.

The competition’s fish registration form must be fully completed and conform to the following rules:
  • The fish’s details shall be supplied on the registration form where required.
  • A minimum of one digital photo (preferably two different photos) of the fish and angler shall be supplied.
  • The fish must be weighed in front of a witness and the witness’s contact details must be supplied on the registration form, so that the catch can be verified in necessary.
  • The fish must be weighed as a whole fish and may not be opened or in pieces at the time of weighing.
  • The fish must be weighed with reliable and high-quality digital scales.
  • The weight shall be given without rounding off and the witness confirm the result.
  • The minimum length of a fish that can be registered is 61cm without tail agglomerating.
  • The jury reserves the right to disqualify any fish if it fails to in some way to meet the competition rules, or otherwise has implausible proportions. Jury decisions are final.
  • The winners of the competition are the largest salmon and trout in the categories.

There are also three grand lottery prizes. Three winners will be drawn from all the entries received. Each and every salmon or trout longer the angler registers in the competition will give one possibility to win one of the grand lottery prizes (Example: If you register 10 fish, you have 10 opportunities to win).

VK-Big Game categories and prizes are as follows:
Biggest Atlantic Salmon
VK-Big Game Atlantic Salmon Trophy and VK products to the value of €1000.

Biggest Landlocked Salmon
VK-Big Game Landlocked Salmon Trophy and VK products to the value of €1000.

Biggest  Sea Trout
VK-Big Game Sea Trout Trophy and VK products to the value of €200.

Fresh Water Trout
VK-Big Game Fresh Water Trout Trophy and VK products to the value of €200.

Grand Lottery Prizes
3 x packages of VK products to the value of €300 each.
The competition entry form as well as competition updates can be found at

VK-Products reserve the rights to use information and pictures supplied by competition’s anglers in their marketing.